I am not a big reader of non-fiction-I admit it! Ironic considering that I am a history teacher and my knowledge depends on non-fiction, the world of primary and secondary sources. I made a commitment to myself to read at least one non-fiction book a month. I squeaked by this month by choosing to read: Surviving the Angel of Death by Eva Mozes Kor and Lisa Rojany Buccieri. It is Eva Kor’s story of her life as a Mengele Twin in Auschwitz. It is a story of survival, of the lengths that a child will go to to ensure not only her survival but her twin’s too. The book is the YA adapted edition of Echoes from Auschwitz: Dr. Mengele's Twins: The Story of Eva & Miriam Mozes. I like non-fiction that reads with the flow of fiction. I don’t like the choppy feel of a lot of non-fiction writing. Angel of Death reads like a story. It is smooth and flows well and kept me engaged while reading. I liked it enough to want to read more books by the same author. And that is saying a lot when it isn’t fiction!
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